Q: WHERE is trombone Christmas?
A: All over the place!
See locations here
Q: WHEN is Trombone Christmas?
A: Depends of which one!
See dates here
Q: WHAT time do I need to show up for Trombone Christmas?
A: Depends on which one you are going to!
See times here
Q: WHAT do I have to bring to Trombone Christmas?
A: Music stand, music (available for purchase at the gig) , oh, and a trombone. It also may be a good idea to bring clothes pins or some other types of clips for holding music in the wind.
Q: How much does it cost to play at Trombone Christmas and when do I pay?
A: It is $5 or $10, depending on the location and when you are registering. Contact the specific Trombone Christmas location for details (see location page).
Q: What do I get for my 5 or 10 bucks?
A: You get a button, the chance to play with us, and free parking (for registered players). You can get music at the performance.
Q: How do I register?
A: Some locations have online registration, others you just register when you get there. Contact the specific Trombone Christmas location for details (see location page).
Q: How difficult is the music for trombone Christmas?
A: Our music is arranged for High School ability and above.
Q: What part should I play?
A: There are 6 parts, Click here to see part descriptions and ranges.
NOTE: Please only play 1st trombone if you are capable of playing in the high register continuously for hours.
Q: Can I bring my valve trombone?
A: Sure, but you must leave it in the car, Trombone Christmas is for SLIDE trombones.
Q: How about a plastic trombone?
A: Sure, but again, please leave it in the car, Trombone Christmas is for REAL trombones.
Q: Is this kinda like Tuba Christmas?
A: No, we have trombones.
Q: May I submit a questions of my own?
A: Yes, simply email us by clicking this link.
Q: Who did the web site design and illustrations?
A: Thanks for asking, that was Mark Steven Divers!